$DONK - Donk Coin

  • πŸ’¦ 100% Community Driven
  • πŸ’¦ Fair launch, no presale
  • πŸ’¦ LP Token burnt - rugfree

🌐Story of $DONK🌐

$DONK emerges as a symbol of missed opportunity and new beginnings. Born in the wake of $BONK's unexpected rise on solana, $DONK represents the last image of $BONK's rapid departure – metaphorically its 'ass' – a vivid reminder for those who overlooked its potential.

Light in the Darkness

As a beacon of hope and redemption, $DONK offers a second chance to investors who witnessed $BONK's soaring success from afar. This new memecoin carries the legacy of its predecessor, embodying lessons of seized opportunities and the promise of unforeseen triumphs in the dynamic world of memecoins.


Embrace $DONK, not just as an asset, but as a symbol of redemption and potential. Be part of a story that speaks to the heart of the crypto world – a story of resilience, opportunity, and the promise of what lies ahead. As $DONK charts its course, it reminds us all: in the world of cryptocurrency, it's never too late to be part of a legend."

1B Supply

That's alot of Donk

LP Burnt

To ashes

Community Driven

Only the best.



πŸ’‘ "DONK shortmap" πŸ’‘

The $DONK initiative is simple; One clearly defined goal ensuring its community and holders are always in the loop for the next big opportunity. $DONK isn't just a token; it's your ticket to never miss out on the market's hidden gems and skyrocketing prospects.

Join our Community!